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Country: France
Counties: Alsace
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Dec 8


Country: France, GRAND EST (Alsace) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Oak;  Volume: 4 818 m3;  Nbr Lots: 62;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Nov 16


Country: France, GRAND EST (Haute-Marne, Aube Marne) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Oak;  2nd species: Ash (White);  Volume: 7 926 m3;  Nbr Lots: 63;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Nov 14


Country: France, GRAND EST (Massif Vosgien) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Fir (Abies alba);  2nd species: Spruce (Picea abies);  Volume: 34 186 m3;  Nbr Lots: 93;  Product: Standing timber;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Nov 9


Country: France, GRAND EST (Alsace, Lorraine, Ardennes) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Oak;  2nd species: Ash (White);  Volume: 27 232 m3;  Nbr Lots: 234;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Nov 7


Country: France, GRAND EST (Dpts 08-10-51-52-54-55) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Other softwoods;  2nd species: Spruce (Picea abies);  Volume: 14 753 m3;  Nbr Lots: 36;  Product: Standing timber;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Nov 2


Country: France, GRAND EST (Moselle) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Beech;  2nd species: Other Hardwoods;  Volume: 27 971 m3;  Nbr Lots: 73;  Product: Standing timber;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Oct 10


Country: France, GRAND EST (Verdun, Ardennes) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Other Hardwoods;  Volume: 100 292 m3;  Nbr Lots: 176;  Product: Standing timber;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Oct 9


Country: France, GRAND EST (Haute-Marne) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Beech;  Volume: 33 052 m3;  Nbr Lots: 63;  Product: Standing timber;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Oct 4


Country: France, GRAND EST (Grand Est) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Oak;  2nd species: Ash (White);  Volume: 13 657 m3;  Nbr Lots: 119;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Oct 3


Country: France, GRAND EST (Bar-le-Duc, Meurthe-et-Moselle) - 8H00 Vente en ligne;  1st species: Other Hardwoods;  Volume: 45 786 m3;  Nbr Lots: 94;  Product: Standing timber;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace