Timber auctions results - Join Fordaq

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1st Specie: Softwood
Type of Product: Logs along side the road
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Jun 3


Country: France, GRAND-EST (Alsace - Bois façonnés Résineux bois d'œuvre) - Vente en ligne 14H00;  1st species: Softwood;  Volume: 321 m3;  Nbr Lots: 12;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Apr 13


Country: France, GRAND-EST ( Dpts 68, 67 ALSACE) - Vente en ligne 14H00;  1st species: Softwood;  Volume: 703 m3;  Nbr Lots: 17;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace
Feb 2


Country: France, GRAND-EST (Dpts 68, 67 HAUT-RHIN) - Vente en ligne 14h00;  1st species: Softwood;  Volume: 709 m3;  Nbr Lots: 15;  Product: Logs along side the road;  Sales type: Sealed; 
 ONF Direction Territoriale Grand Est
France , Alsace