Timber corporate services

1 - 25 of 1920 results for "Timber corporate services"
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 07 Oct 2024 12:17

Drying Services for Hardwood and Softwood Timber/ Sawn Wood

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 11 Jan 2025 13:39

KD Services from Romania

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 07 Jan 2025 07:05

KD Services, Poland

from Drewsmol
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 19 Nov 2024 12:42

Sawing Services - Romania

Anonymous Seller
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 13 Jan 2025 09:13

KD Services, Poland

from Drewsmol
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 15 May 2024 04:00

MDF installment service/complete production line installment service

from Weifang Dening Technology & Trade Co., Ltd.
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 28 Dec 2024 15:47

Impregnated Timber, Romania

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 22 Sep 2024 12:42

Planing Services, Romania

Anonymous Seller
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 19 Oct 2024 12:47

We Offer Drying Services

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 01 Sep 2024 16:15

Profiling Sharpening Services

Anonymous Seller
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 24 Nov 2024 14:11

CNC woodworking services

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 30 Aug 2022 04:00

Timber frame half-timbered houses, Prefabricated technology

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 25 Dec 2024 04:00

Chamber drying (KD) services, Poland (northern region)

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 22 Dec 2024 13:13

Service Technician

Anonymous Seller
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 16 Nov 2024 04:00

Service Food/ Wine Tray

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 10 Jun 2015 13:47

Service smoking oak and other, amoniak, 0,6-60mm all

from DRYMAR Jan Dryniak
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 20 Apr 2017 04:03

Timber Framed House Spruce

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 17 Jan 2025 04:00

CLT - Cross Laminated Timber Xworks, Germany

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 30 Dec 2024 04:00

Spruce Timber Frame Houses in Prefabricated Technology

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 06 Mar 2015 12:14

Timber Framed House Spruce

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 21 Oct 2022 04:00

Spruce/Pine Timber Framed Houses

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?
offer 13 Dec 2024 04:00

Square Timber Multi Rip Saw Machine

The Fordaq Trust Rating gives an indication of the level of trust you can have in this company. The rating is built based on information we have available on this company. We are progressively expanding the rating to more companies so do not be surprised if many companies do not have a rating yet.

The type of information we use to build the rating:

  • What type of contacts have we had with the company?
    N° of phone contacts, visits by our staff, meetings at trade shows.
  • History of the activity of the company on the Fordaq website.
  • Does the company have certificates which have been verified by Fordaq independently?
  • Fordaq verified that the company is a member of a recognized industry association (federation, etc)?
  • Has the company been recommended by other members?