Paper production in Sweden falls

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During the first quarter of 2014, production of paper and paperboard in Sweden declined by 5.7 percent while production of wood pulp was at the same level when compared to the corresponding quarter of 2013, says the Swedish Forest Agency (Skogsstyrelsen).

The general trend is that the production of wrapping paper and paperboard for packaging is increasing while production of newsprint and printing paper is decreasing.

Swedish production of paper and paperboard fell by 5.7 percent to 2.6 million tonnes in the second quarter of 2014 compared with the same quarter in 2013. Production of newsprint continues to decrease and fell by 28.5 percent during this period. Printing and writing paper fell by 11.9 percent, while there was an increase by .4.4 percent in the production of other paper and paperboard grades.

Sweden's production of wood pulp has stabilized and remained at the same level as the second quarter of 2013 at 2.9 million tonnes. Production of sulphate pulp which is the largest grade increased while mechanical and semi-chemical pulp decreased in the second quarter of 2014 compared with the same quarter 2013.

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