Klausner sues NRW for 56 million Euros in damages

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The Klausner Group from Austria has sued the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) in Germany for 56 million euros in damages before the Regional Court in Münster. Overall, the claims could amount to as much as 100 million Euro.

The reason is undelivered timber deliveries. Reported from the Bielefeld paper “Neue Westfälische” in its Saturday edition. The contracts were concluded accordingly with the state of NRW after the Kyrill storm hit in 2007 and foresaw that the Klausner Group was promised 500,000 cubic meters of spruce at very low prices. The former Environment Minister Eckhard Uhlenberg and his Secretary of State Alexander Schink (both CDU) are responsible for proposing the contracts.

The State stopped its delivering at the end of 2009. for two reasons. In order too fulfil the contract through 2014, the total annual Harvest of the NRW state (200,000 cubic meters) would have to be delivered only to Klausner and at the time Klausner wasn’t paying their bills on promptly.

A report obtained by the Münster wood expert Andreas Schulte turned the case into what is today.  In his view, “the Klausner agreement” violates applicable competition, antitrust and financial law and breaches the Anti-Corruption Act.

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