Łąccy - Kołczygłowy Spółka z o.o. is a company with a long tradition in the production of and trade in products from timber industry on the domestic and foreign markets.
Approximately 80% of our production is sold on the market in Western Europe, mainly to the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands and Belgium. The plant was founded in 1983 by Mr. Zbigniew Łącki. Constant development, which is a priority of the company, attention to high quality of products, continuous work on technology improvement, and good long-term cooperation with extremely demanding clients caused that the company has established a high reputation in the market for the wood industry. Currently we operate within the structure of four plants: Sawmill Kołczygłowy - the company headquarters Plant in Jezierze- production of glued panels, furniture elements and interior design Plant in Barnowo – engineered flooring production Plywood Kołczygłowy - production of birch and beech plywood in different formats The company employs more than 200 employees. Processing of wood, primarily oak and beech, reaches approximately 40,000 m3 per year. 18 drying chambers with one-time charge of 1400 for m3 are the advantages of the company. We have FSC® certificate for all goods manufactured in our plants.